It seems to be a universal rule among the cat-community that all furballs of the feline-kind are to report immediately to keyboards across the world, at the most inopportune moments.
Purr-haps the most essential and underrated accessory in the digital age is the keyboard cat. Look out for it in Apple stores near you. If you already have a cat and that you would like to upgrade to ‘cat on a keyboard’, read on for a compiled list of best practices to help your cat meet their duties of disrupting your daily workflow.

Step 1: Be a Cat
It sounds like a given, yet you would not believe how many dogs, hamsters, lemurs, and even carpenter ants showed up for the job of ‘keyboard cat.’ If you or your cat is a cat, then congratulations; the job is half done!
Step 2: Choose the Perfect Moment
To make the most effective impression make sure the occasion your cat chooses to splay their body like a hot mess across those keys is at the worst for you— their favorite human companion. Perhaps you’re hard at work on a spreadsheet or compiling important data for the report that was due yesterday. The point is your cat must encompass a ‘kitty-may-care’ attitude and strike while the iron is hot!
Step 3: Lay Nonchalantly Across a Keyboard
There are several approaches that cats have taken to laying across keyboards. Some are shy, resting only a chin. Others stretch a paw across as if beckoning their loved one closer. Our favorite approach though has always been the “paws to the wall” full lay. Allow your cat to use their discretion, and just have fun with it. This is their moment, after all.
…And Finally a Friendly Reminder: The ‘Mouse’ is not a Real Mouse
You’d think this could also go without saying, but so many cats have made the all too tragic mistake.
There you have it! Until your cat’s Instakitty page takes off, and they can buy their own computer, we wish you the best of luck in sharing the wonderful world of computing with your kitty, and the keyboard, too!
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