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Surviving COVID-19: How to Win at Delivery, Take-Out & Home Meal Replacement

This webinar was offered by – not by us – but the content is super valuable and we encourage you to head over there and watch it! View the webinar recording now.

As more and more dining rooms are forced to close, survival for many restaurants will likely depend, in large part, on how quickly and effectively they can ramp up delivery, takeout and/or home-meal replacement.

Making the switch to delivery and takeout may look fairly easy but doing it well, well enough to generate a sufficient number of customers and sales, may not be.

As with anything, there are meaningful nuances and details in delivery and takeout that restaurants have worked years to perfect. If this is something new for your restaurant, you need a way to shortcut the learning curve so you can quickly create a superior delivery/takeout experience In fact, your survival may depend on it!

In this webinar, you’ll learn valuable insights that can quickly help your restaurant serve your customers and community in the best possible way.

Joining us will be franchising and marketing expert Paul Segreto. Paul has been helping independent chain operators for years to their systems, marketing and operations. Over the past few months, Paul has been highly sought after to advise several multi-unit operations on delivery, takeout and home meal replacement.

He is the author of an extremely valuable article featured in our Coronavirus Special Resource entitled, “Take-Out: The New Normal for Restaurants.”

Also joining us is Mel Kleiman. Mel is a long time contributor and is a seasoned marketing and personnel professional. He will provide you with valuable insights on using social media and training employees to create the best possible guest experience in a take-home, delivery, meal replacement environment.

Here are a few of the key topics we’ll discuss:

  • Why and how you need to decide which menu items should be on your delivery/take-home menu.
  • How to create value-added specials to make it easy for families to order.
  • 5 items you must include with EVERY order to make your delivery/take-home offerings stand out from your local competition.
  • How to train your front line staff to make every guest interaction an exceptionally positive experience so they want to re-order again and again.
  • How to ensure order accuracy EVERY TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • How to utilize the most effective types of “meal deals” and strategic discounting that will help you build value perception and repeat business.
  • How to put your guests at ease about cleanliness, sanitation and the safety of your food and staff.
  • Your questions and comments.

This webinar was offered by – not by us – but the content is super valuable and we encourage you to head over there and watch it! View the webinar recording now.

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