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How to Figure Out the Best Times to Post On Social Media

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

One of the most asked questions a Social Media Specialist will get is “What are the best times to post on social media?” It’s a loaded question because it often depends on the specific platform, your industry, and your own audience. While there isn’t a perfect answer and things are always changing, there are a […]

How to Save Time Posting on Your Restaurant’s Social Media

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

You know your restaurant’s social media is an important tool for reaching your current and potential customers, but you’re also busy running a restaurant which means social media gets pushed to the bottom of your to-do list. Sound familiar? More often than not social media pages end up being an afterthought and that’s a huge […]

How to Promote An Event on Facebook

how to promote an event on facebook

So you’ve got an event happening at your restaurant but you don’t have a huge budget for marketing. We hear you. The good news is social media can help you spread awareness with little to no money spent. A great place to start: your restaurant’s Facebook page! Facebook has a diverse demographic and with the […]

The Most Important Differences Between Facebook and Instagram

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

When it comes to social media, there are a lot of choices out there. The mere act of choosing which social platforms your restaurant should be on can be confusing to navigate. But since you already know you should be where your customers are, a good place to start is Facebook and Instagram. Given their […]

Free webinar! How to Get More Restaurant Reservations on Mother’s Day

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

We all know Mom deserves to be treated well on Mother’s Day (and every day we might add), but this holiday is an especially great excuse to get the family together for a lovely meal that doesn’t also include clean up and dishes. As with any holiday, social media can be an incredible tool to […]

Why You Should Consider Utilizing Slack at Work

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

Imagine the beauty of an empty email inbox at work. No internals memos, no back and forth emails about projects – nothing. If you’re having trouble imaging this, you’re probably not using Slack.  If you’ve never even heard of Slack, it’s essentially a collaborative tool that can replace your team’s internal emails and take communication […]

Four Ways Social Media Benefits Your Restaurant’s SEO

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

Four Ways Social Media Benefits Your Restaurant’s SEO Social media and SEO have a complicated relationship status. It’s kind of confusing and usually hard to explain.  So,  what’s the reason for all these mixed signals? Well, Social media doesn’t directly effect SEO in the same way that 2 + 2= 4. It’s a bit murkier […]

Webinar Alert: How to Use Instagram for Your Restaurant

Social Media for Restaurants - Social High Rise

If you browse through Instagram on any given day, one thing is abundantly clear: people love to take photos of what they eat! So, as a restaurant, it’s crucial to have a drool-worthy Instagram feed to ensure you’re encouraging customer loyalty AND attracting new business. Plus, if you’re consistently posting high-quality, engaging content, you’ll be […]