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How to Reach More Millennials Using Social Media For Your Restaurant

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According to Forbes “How To Tap Into The Millennial $200 Billion Buying Power With Social Media”, it’s said that by 2018 Millennials will have the most spending power of any generation. The good news is that they’re spending that money dining out. In fact. Millennials typically dish out a whopping $2,921 annually to eat out. […]

How to Improve Your Restaurant’s Yelp Star Rating

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As a restaurant owner, you probably don’t need us to tell you the power that Yelp has in the food industry. A great Yelp rating can propel a business to the top of search results, spread positive word of mouth and drive new customers through the door. Alternatively, a lower star rating can result in […]

The Most Important Differences Between Facebook and Instagram

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When it comes to social media, there are a lot of choices out there. The mere act of choosing which social platforms your restaurant should be on can be confusing to navigate. But since you already know you should be where your customers are, a good place to start is Facebook and Instagram. Given their […]

How To Gain Followers on Your Restaurant’s Instagram

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If you’re reading this blog, you’re sharp enough to know that in the restaurant business, it’s important to be on social media. You probably even know that the top social media platforms are Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.  But with Instagram being the newest of those four platforms, it can be difficult to build up […]

Posting on Social Media: 5 Things to Avoid

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Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar to you – a group of friends is walking downtown trying to determine where to grab lunch. There are two places nearby they’ve heard are amazing; almost simultaneously, they pull out their smartphones to look up the restaurants. They’re both within walking distance, both have interesting online menus, […]

Efficient Instagram Updates You Might be Missing Out On

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Author: Kyra Stemplinger, Social Media Intern Instagram is said to have around 400 million active daily users. As its numbers continue to climb, this increasingly popular social media platform is enormously effective in regards to spreading content around the globe. There’s no doubt that Instagram is one of the most efficient ways for a business […]

Free Webinar Alert: Creating Better Social Media Posts for the Holidays!

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The holidays are a wonderful time of a year to connect with our local communities. For restaurants, it can get very busy – from bustling holiday shoppers grabbing bites to eat to catering large orders, it’s crucial to stay on top of your customer’s mind during this lively season.

Giving Thanks: Creating the Best Thanksgiving Content for Your Social Media

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Any social media expert worth their mettle will tell you that posting to your social media pages around the holidays can get a little tricky, especially when you’re posting on a restaurant’s business page. Navigating the waters of the perfect and politically correct post seem to get harder and harder every year. That’s why we’re […]

Why You Should Consider Utilizing Slack at Work

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Imagine the beauty of an empty email inbox at work. No internals memos, no back and forth emails about projects – nothing. If you’re having trouble imaging this, you’re probably not using Slack.  If you’ve never even heard of Slack, it’s essentially a collaborative tool that can replace your team’s internal emails and take communication […]